
Functions to format strings.

arcEGMOheader(selection_idx[, date])

compile an time header for ArcEGMO and format string


assures that month or day are returned as %mm and are string

make_shape_two(item[, date, length, filler])

returns a string with a given length.

arcegmoDateFromDatetime(dtobj[, offset])

generates an arcEGMO time entry for hourly data.


prints a nice status bar and updates it, if called again.

add_quotes_to_datecolumn(path, file)

Add back the quotes around the date columns like "01.01.2018 00:15" to ArcEGMO files.


strip leading and tailing slash and backslash from pathsegment

get_ending_number(string, where)

returns a number from the beginning or ending of a string